On Thursday, October 19th, a world class group of experts working in the United Nations accountability field visited Seton Hall Law School to share their research and expertise through a number of moderated panel discussions. Law students were welcome to attend the workshop and meet the experts. Professor Kristen Boon hosted the workshop and delivered the welcome address. The keynote address was delivered by Philip Alston, a UN Special Rapporteur.Philip Alston - UN Accountability Keynote Speaker

Although the protection of human rights around the world is a founding principle and goal of the United Nations, there have nonetheless been recent instances in which human rights violations occurred during UN operations. The experts discussed the liability the UN and its affiliated organizations may face, as well as legal methods of redress for victims.

UN Accountability panelists

Of particular interest to the participants was the recent cholera outbreak in Haiti, caused by the allegedly negligent activities of UN peacekeepers. The participants offered analyses of accountability, and of potential models for external and internal international redress.


Larissa van den Herik

The evening concluded with a wine and cheese reception, and a book launch for the Research Handbook on UN Sanctions and International Law, edited by Larissa van den Herik.

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