Rahim Mahmoud is a 2L weekend student and LEO Fellow who will be working at Potter Anderson

Rahim Mahmoud a 2L weekend student

Rahim Mahmoud is a 2L weekend student and LEO Fellow who will be working at Potter Anderson, a law firm in Delaware, next summer.

Why did you decide to attend law school?

I've had a strong interest in becoming an attorney since I was in 3rd grade. I always had a passion for advocating and finding solutions to problems. After I graduated from undergrad and received professional experience, I was certain that I wanted to be an attorney. Leaving a career to start law school was uncomfortable but necessary. It is important for me to challenge myself in my journey to become an attorney and achieve my vision.


How has your experience in law school been?

My experience in law school has been great. It is challenging, humbling, fun (positive perspective) and puts me in a position to become a better version of myself. I have received so much support through mentorship, sponsorship, and friendship.


How was it transitioning from working in banking, then being a police officer, and now a law student?

It was a major transition. In fact, officers in my academy tested my willpower and would ask me questions like "why did you leave your fancy office job to put your life at risk?" However, I found a similarity in servicing the community. In both positions, clients/civilians needed my assistance in a difficult moment in their life and I had to find them the best solution. Being levelheaded in those moments were essential to helping others. Being a law student with these experiences gives me drive, purpose and motivation. In both positions, I saw the importance and influence of the law and lawyers. My experiences gave me insight, diverse perspective, and purpose in my legal career.


How does it feel to be a non-traditional student?

Amazing! It started with difficulty and a need to completely adjust. Yet, my life experiences always remind me that I can achieve whatever I put my mind to. I use my ‘Why’ to motivate me because my parents have been amazing examples in my life and have sacrificed a lot to see me succeed. Being a non-traditional student gives me a sense of dignity because I know there are other non-traditional attorneys who went through a similar journey and made no excuses for success.


What are the challenges you have faced in being a non-traditional student. How have you overcome those challenges?

Some of the major challenges I have faced is the need to continue working while attending school. It gets difficult at times, but I overcome the challenge through organization, discipline, and maintaining my physical, spiritual, and mental health. Having a supportive partner and mentors significantly helps in overcoming the challenges.


What are your plans for next summer?

I will be working at Potter Anderson, a law firm in Delaware, next summer. I am very excited to work with the team.


What advice would you give a 1L or 1LW LEO Fellow?

Have an organized study calendar. Be intentional and disciplined.  Set learning objectives and know your style of learning. Go to office hours and get feedback on practice essays and multiple-choice questions. Make space in your schedule to network and apply to summer positions early despite the hectic academic schedule. Your network is your net worth. Maintain your physical and mental health; it’s pointless to try to help others and neglect your health.


What are your goals upon graduating law school?

I plan to clerk for a Judge and then work for a firm upon graduating law school. I am very passionate about helping less fortunate families/individuals who need legal support, so I look forward to participating in pro bono programs.


In your experience, what has helped you prepare for law school? 

  • I have support from invested mentors. The summer LEO program helped me prepare and meet other colleagues who had similar backgrounds. Practicing essay hypos with Professor Edelson and meeting with my professors also helped me tremendously. Being organized and creating a schedule and academic objectives continue to help me. Lastly, focusing on my mental and physical health and having support from my family has been invaluable.


What are you looking forward to the most in practicing law?

  • Overall, learning more and being able to practice the law. Finding solutions for my clients, alternative dispute resolutions, and working on complex litigation matters.