MLS - Corporate Compliance

MLS - Corporate Compliance

Man working on online course.

Corporations of all sorts faced increased regulatory burdens following the Enron scandal and the enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley. Corporate compliance is an area of substantial concern for all companies and requires the development of internal policies and procedures to ensure compliance with state and federal regulatory standards. The evolution of regulatory standards for a wide variety of industries, combined with the enhanced need for protection of corporate computer systems, networks, mobile devices and data, has resulted in a massive increase in the need for compliance professionals that are attuned to the specific needs of regulated industries.

Financial Compliance Master of Jurisprudence

Seton Hall Law School has paired its compliance knowledge with its internationally known corporate law faculty to meet the needs of regulated  industries. The online master's degree in Corporate Compliance will teach you about the relevant law surrounding general corporate compliance issues that affect a myriad of industries, and how to apply that knowledge to real-world situations. You will graduate from this master of legal studies program with enhanced personal marketability and be able to effectively analyze and respond to a wide variety of  compliance issues you may encounter on a daily basis.

The MLS in Corporate Compliance can be completed entirely online, taking only one class at a time. There is no residency requirement. All classes follow an 8-week format that offers optimum flexibility for individuals who have work and family commitments. Financial aid is available for eligible students.

Course requirements for this degree are listed below. Contact us using the form on this page if you have additional questions or view our admissions requirements here.

Required Courses

Must take all in sequence.
All courses are offered ONLINE only.

Core Courses

Must take four courses.
Students may substitute appropriate in-person courses offered at Seton Hall Law School's Newark campus in place of courses listed below with the prior written permission of the Associate Academic Director.

Elective Courses

Must take two courses.
Can be from any of the concentration areas (including corporate law courses above).

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