Entertainment & Sports Law Society (ESLS)


About Entertainment and Sports Law Society (ESLS)

Current President(s): -


The Entertainment and Sports Law Society (ESLS) supplements the classroom and acts as a forum for students to learn about the entertainment and sports legal industries, as well as gaming law. Members will have the opportunity to network into industries that are difficult to access. ESLS is a group of committed members who seek to expand their access to these industries through panels and competitions. We hope to begin a legacy of sending teams to compete in sports and entertainment law mock trial competitions. 
 ESLS members will participate in events including, but not limited to, attending sporting events, mock trial or arbitration competitions, sports and entertainment law panel discussions, and trips to recording studios. Our mission is to dive into the uncharted waters that is the entertainment and sports law industry and develop a strong network with the sharks of the industry. 

Board Members:

Co-President: Amber Osterbrink - [email protected]
Co-President: Emily Nesi - [email protected]
Vice President: Dylan Teixeira - [email protected]
Treasurer: Zachary Williams - [email protected]
Secretary: Anna Juliano - [email protected]
PR Representative: Lauren Vuolo - [email protected]
Attorney General: Kyle Caccavale - [email protected]
SBA Rep: Austin Melville - [email protected]
Faculty Advisor: Devon Corneal - [email protected]
Faculty Advisor: Robert Boland - [email protected]