Family Law Society


About Family Law Society

Current President(s): Debra Tuberion - [email protected]


The Family Law Society is comprised of a group of students that share an interest in family law or in one of its sub-specialties. The institution of the family continues to be a positive, though continuously evolving, focus in the 21st century. The Family Law Society provides students that are interested in this area of expertise with an avenue to explore the complexities of Family Law and the hot button issues of today, such as Family Mediation and Collaborative Divorce.

The Family Law Society holds events throughout the year that provide a deeper insight into the various aspects of Family Law by offering the opportunity to hear perspectives of various practitioners and academicians. Previous events have included a holiday drive, panel discussions consisting of different types of Family Law practitioners moderated by the Society's Faculty Advisor. Membership is open to all students.

Board Members:

Vice President: Kristen Cushen - [email protected]
Treasurer: Victoria Mastrofilippo - [email protected]
Secretary: Christiana Mones - [email protected]
SBA Rep: Shea Moran - [email protected]
Faculty Advisor: Kevin Kelly - [email protected]