Public Interest Network (PIN)


About Public Interest Network (PIN)

Current President(s): Fatima Abughannam - [email protected]


The Public Interest Network is dedicated to raising awareness of individual and group rights and supports students attracted to public interest work. PIN helps to educate the student body of public interest opportunities in pro bono programs, community service initiatives, internships, and careers. PIN is also committed to heightening the law school community's interest in public interest issues by sponsoring a number of events, including various networking opportunities, issue discussions, food and blood drives, and the Public Interest Auction, a four-day event that raises money to fund students pursuing the Public Interest Summer Fellowship. Finally, PIN continues to work towards establishing a loan forgiveness program for Seton Hall Alumni engaged in public interest work.

Board Members:

Vice President: David Mulcahy - [email protected]
Treasurer: Tierney Baldwin - [email protected]
Secretary: Sally Bright - [email protected]
SBA Rep: Jamie Mitrovic - [email protected]
Event Coordinator: Vacant
Pro-Bono Coordinator: Vacant
Faculty Advisor: Allison Sigmund - [email protected]