Rodino Society


About Rodino Society

Current President(s): Isabella Smith - [email protected]


Compassion, Honor, Wisdom. These three words exemplify what Congressman Peter W. Rodino, Jr. represents. Congressman Rodino was a World War II war veteran and he was honored with a bronze star for his service. He was elected to the House Judiciary in 1948 and re-elected 19 times thereafter.

Among other things, Congressman Rodino was known for his sponsorship of legislation that made Columbus Day a national holiday and he acted as the “fair moderator” for the partisan impeachment hearings of President Nixon. He was respected in the local and national communities and his legacy will live forever. Congressman Rodino’s Italian-American heritage and his values are embedded in the goals of our society. We engage in philanthropic affairs and assist in public-interest events. Also, we provide a social outlet for the law school community by holding several events throughout the year. Please join us in celebrating our Italian-American heritage and the legacy of Peter W. Rodino, Jr.

Board Members:

Vice President: Emily Nesi - [email protected]
Treasurer: Isabella Pompeo - [email protected]
Secretary: Natalie Lucciola - [email protected]
SBA Rep:
Faculty Advisor: Paula Franzese - [email protected]


Upcoming and Past Events

There are currently no upcoming events.