The LEO Corner - Mahima Alam

Mahima Alam, a 3L LEO student at Seton Hall Law, shares her dynamic law school journey, reflecting on the supportive environment, valuable internships, and strong connections that have shaped her experience. From participating in the Gressman Moot Court Competition to balancing academics with extracurriculars, Mahima offers insights and advice for making the most of law school.

image of Mahima Alam

Why did you decide to attend Seton Hall University School of Law?

I decided to attend Seton Hall Law because I knew it would be the supportive environment I needed when starting my legal journey. I heard of the school's strong alumni network as well as its success in post-grad career placement. I grew up in Queens, so it was also very close to home and family.

How has your law school experience been?

My law school experience has been a rollercoaster, and it has truly changed how I think and view things. But what really made my law school experience special was the people. I've made such strong connections with my LEO fellows, people in my class/year, my mentors, and my mentees.

What did you like the best about your summer internships with Prudential last summer and Goldman Sachs this summer?

What I liked best about my summer internship with Prudential last summer was the exposure to in-house counsel and the interactions between attorneys and business partners. What I like best about my current summer internship with Goldman Sachs is how much I am learning and the mentorship I am receiving. Whether it is estate planning to taxes to investments, I am being exposed to a wide range of topics and my mentors there have been really helpful.

What advice do you have for LEO students on how to make the most of their law school experience?

One piece of advice I would have for LEO students on how to make the most of their law school experience is to not put yourself in a box and to try everything out. A lot of the aspects of law school or the legal world I've come to really like - I did not think I would like before I tried it.

What was it like participating in the Gressman Moot Court Competition?

Participating in the Gressman Moot Court Competition was exciting, even though a little nerve wracking. My partner was one of my best law school friends, so we had fun with it and made the most out of the experience.

You have done a number of internships – corporate internship, judicial internship, research assistant, and public service organization. Why did you choose to get these different experiences and what have you gained from them? How did you get these positions?

All of the internships I participated in throughout law school shaped my likes and dislikes. I received most of the positions through OCS and some through my network. I knew I wanted a judicial internship because I wanted to experience what happens behind the scenes in chambers with a judge. I interned with NJ Reentry Corporation to try a different area of law I haven't experienced and with being a research assistant, I knew that it would help me hone my research and writing skills and it was with a professor whose class I really enjoyed.

What challenges have you faced in law school and how did you overcome them?

One challenge I faced in law school was the transition into my 1L year. It was a lot of adapting I had to do to adjust to the academic environment. My mentors helped me immensely throughout my 1L year and I always tried different ways of studying, note-taking, etc. until I found what worked best for me. 

What advice do you have for students on how to balance their academics and extracurricular activities?

To balance academics and extracurricular activities, I think it is really important to know what your body and mind needs. If you need a break or more sleep, you should do what you need to do because in the long run, that will help avoid burnout. Trying new experiences besides just strictly classwork will help diversify the experience.