Ronald Weich, Dean and Professor of Law, Seton Hall University School of Law
Agenda | CLE Materials | Registration
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 | Time 12 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EST. (18:00 - 20:30 CEST)
Virtual Symposium | Register Now
Kids are spending many of their waking hours on screens, interacting via social media, games and messaging apps. Research shows that virtual interaction leaves many kids lonely; anxious and depressed. To counter this loneliness epidemic, generative AI companies came up with a solution: virtual characters acting as friends, lovers and even therapists. Recently filed lawsuits exposed that AI generated characters keep luring kids online, attempting to substitute their physical space relationships. Through these interactions they encouraged some kids to harm themselves and family members.
This online symposium will explore: how do AI companion bots addict users, particularly kids? What business model is driving AI companion platforms to keep kids online for as long as possible? How do AI companion platforms compare to social media, games and other addictive platforms? Are legal avenues, such as dark patterns, strict liability, and laws regulating social media, viable options to contain AI companion platforms? Are new legal avenues needed? What can parents do to protect their kids from manipulation by AI companions?
This online symposium seeks to educate lawyers and professionals, as well as parents seeking to understand this new frontier of Twenty-First Century childhood.
This program has been approved for 2.5 General Credits.
12:00 - 12:10 p.m.
Ronald Weich, Dean and Professor of Law, Seton Hall University School of Law
12:10 -12:20 p.m.
Opening Remarks: From Screen Time, Social Media and Games to AI Bots
Gaia Bernstein, Technology Privacy and Policy Professor of Law, Co-Director Institute for Privacy Protection, Co-Director Gibbons Institute for Law Science and Technology, Seton Hall University School of Law
12:20 – 1:20pm
Panel 1: Companion AI Bots: Addiction, Safety and Business Models
Moderator: David Opderbeck, Professor of Law, Co-Director Institute for Privacy Protection, Co-Director Gibbons Institute for Law Science and Technology, Seton Hall University School of Law
Laura Marquez-Garrett, Attorney, Social Media Victims Law Center
Mathilde Cerioli, Chief Scientist, Everyone.AI
Learn More About Mathilde Cerioli »
Camille Carlton, Director of Policy, Center for Humane Technology
Nicki Reisberg, Podcast Host & Digital Safety Advocate, Scrolling 2 Death Podcast
1:20 – 1:30pm
1:30 – 2:30pm
Panel 2: Applying Legal Action Against Addictive Platforms to Companion AI Bots
Moderator: Gaia Bernstein, Technology Privacy and Policy Professor of Law, Co-Director Institute for Privacy Protection, Co-Director Gibbons Institute for Law Science and Technology, Seton Hall University School of Law
Josh Golin, Executive Director, Fairplay
Meetali Jain, Director, Tech Justice Law Project
Catherine Sharkey, Segal Family Professor of Regulatory Law and Policy, New York University School of Law
Paul Ohm, Professor of Law; Chief Data Officer, Georgetown Law
In the interim, if you have any questions or need to make changes to your registration,
please contact Lili M. Young at [email protected]