Drug and Alcohol Policies


Smoking and vaping are prohibited in/on all Seton Hall Law School buildings and grounds (including the Schiff Garden and the front patio).


Although New Jersey law now permits persons aged 21 or older to possess and consume marijuana under certain circumstances, possession, use, or distribution of marijuana continue to be offenses under Federal Law. For this reason, even if permitted under New Jersey law, cannabis remains prohibited in/on all Seton Hall Law School buildings and grounds.


The following policy has been established in an effort to promote a balance between the interests of the student and those of the Seton Hall University School of Law (the Law School) community, and to encourage responsible decisions about alcohol. We are committed to the ongoing development of a community based on respect for the individual and compliance with the policies of the college and the laws of the city, state and nation. One's presence at the Law School, or any function associated therewith, requires compliance with the laws and standards of behavior of the community. The goal of the alcohol policy is to foster alcohol awareness and responsible drinking practices and promote the health and safety of the members of the Law School community. The Law School seeks to encourage a professional social life that does not emphasize the role of alcoholic beverages in either private or group activities. Within this community, the Law School will attempt to take reasonable steps to insure that no illegal or excessive consumption of alcohol occurs on its property or at its institutionally sponsored activities. Only the Dean of Students may grant exceptions to this policy for special occasions.

Regulations Regarding Alcohol Use

The regulations contained in this policy apply to all students. The Law School's Alcohol Policy is in effect throughout the calendar year. The policy is uniformly applied to all student / student organization run events where alcohol is being served.

  1. In accordance with the laws of the City of Newark, no open containers of alcohol are allowed in public places. Further, the Law School prohibits open containers of alcohol outside of closed areas designated for a social event.
  2. Alcohol may not be consumed and alcohol containers may not be possessed anywhere on campus or at any Law School function by anyone who is under the legal drinking age.
  3. Persons of legal drinking age are not permitted to purchase, distribute, sell and or/procure alcoholic beverages for persons less than twenty-one (21) years of age, and for persons who are visibly intoxicated.
  4. Public intoxication, including alcohol-induced disorderly conduct, property destruction, intimidation, or other infringement upon the rights or privacy of others is a violation of the alcohol policy and will not be tolerated. Furnishing alcohol (on campus or at any College function off-campus) to persons, who appear to be intoxicated, is prohibited. Such conduct may be considered violations of the Law School Code of Student Conduct.
  5. Campus events where alcohol is being provided to students must be hosted by the faculty/administration of the Law School, the Student Bar Association, and/or a Student Bar Association recognized Student Organization. Such events are subject to the following restrictions:
    1. The Student Bar Association (SBA). The Student Bar Association may host and finance up to five off campus events per year in which alcohol is served. Such events are subject to the following restrictions:
      1. The SBA may host up to three off-campus events per academic year that feature an open bar. Such events must be at private establishments who provide their own security and monitoring of alcohol consumption.
      2. The SBA may host up to two off-campus events per academic year that feature beer and wine available at no charge to students. Other alcoholic beverages may be available at these events, but must be paid for entirely by the student wishing to consume such beverages and may not be offered as a part of the entrance fee to said event.
      3. At any SBA event in which alcohol is served, non-alcoholic beverages as well as food must be made available to students.
    2. SBA recognized Student Organizations
    3. Alcoholic beverages can be served at on-campus Student Organization sponsored events provided that the following are complied with:
      1. Non-alcoholic beverages and food are made available to students.
      2. The event has a primary purpose not directly related to the consumption of alcohol. Such purposes might include, but are not limited to: furtherance of the organization's mission and / or providing legal networking opportunities to students.
      3. At least one member of the Law School Faculty or Administration will be attending the event as a Faculty Sponsor.
      4. At least one member of the Organization hosting the event will be attending the event as a Student Sponsor.
    4. Student Organizations may host off-campus events in which alcohol will be served, provided that the Student Organization in no way pays for, or participates in the collection of funds that contribute to the purchase of, alcoholic beverages.
      1. Except as otherwise provided in these regulations, no student shall furnish alcoholic beverages to others on campus or at any other Law School function.
      2. Because the actions of the students attending events sponsored by the SBA and Student Organizations reflect on the integrity of the law school, the Office of the Dean of Students may place restrictions on the location of any SBA or Student Organization sponsored event in which alcohol is served if it is reasonably believed that hosting such events at a particular location could potentially cause harm to the reputation of the Law School.

APPENDIX ONE: Enforcement Violations by Students.

Students found in violation of the Law School's Alcohol Policy will be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the Honor Council and may be subject to sanctions under the Law School Code of Student Conduct. Each case will be handled individually and considered on its own merits, with consideration given to the severity of misconduct as well as prior violations. These procedures do not take the place of criminal prosecution.

APPENDIX TWO: Requirements for Events that Include Alcohol in Law School Facilities.

Before the approval of any event where alcohol is to be served, the Student Organization(s) sponsoring the event shall submit (in writing) the following to the Dean of Student Services:

  1. The names of at least one (1) member of the Law School Faculty or Administration who will:
    1. The Faculty/Administrative Representative shall be responsible for making sure that all Law School policies are complied with at all times during the event. All violations of Law School policies must be reported immediately to the Office of the Dean of Students.
    2. The Student Representative shall be responsible for assisting the Faculty/Administrative Representative in enforcing any and all Law School policies. Additionally, the Student Representative shall be responsible for making sure that any and all alcohol not consumed during the event is properly removed and stored immediately following the event.
  2. The name of at least one (1) student member of each Student Organization sponsoring the event who will attend the event as a Student Representative.
  3. The time that the event will begin and end.
  4. The number of people expected at the event.
  5. The amount of alcohol that will be appropriated for the event, and the non-alcoholic alternatives available at the event.

During any event where alcohol is to be served, the following procedures shall be followed:

  1. The Faculty/Administrative Representative and Student Representatives shall remain in attendance for the entire scheduled time of the event;
  2. The Student Organization shall be responsible for removing and storing excess alcohol at the time the event is scheduled to end;
  3. No excess alcohol may be distributed to event attendees;
  4. After the commencement of an event, no additional alcohol may be obtained for the event without the express approval of the "Faculty/Administrative Representative" attending the event.

APPENDIX THREE: Policy Coverage.

No policy can cover all possible situations that may arise. When this policy is not specific in a certain point, sponsoring groups are to conduct their activities in the spirit of social responsibility embodied in this policy. Sponsoring groups in violation of this policy's intent will be subject to disciplinary action by the Honor Council and may be subject to sanctions under the Law School Code of Student Conduct.

APPENDIX FOUR: Alcohol Awareness

The Seton Hall University School of Law is committed to providing students, faculty, and staff with factual information about alcohol as well as confidential referrals for professional assistance in the event that they are needed. An awareness of the negative effects of alcohol consumption may assist you in your efforts to make safe and responsible choices about alcohol. We encourage a lifestyle that does not include alcohol abuse by providing and encouraging alcohol-free organizations and social activities.