Student Protest Policy


This policy outlines the expectations for, and obligations of, any student planning or holding a protest or other public demonstration on property owned or controlled by the Law School (“Law School Property”). Public sidewalk/s contiguous to Law School property are the responsibility of the City of Newark.


This policy applies to any student protest or other public demonstration.


A student planning a protest or other public demonstration on Law School property should contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (973) 642-8523/8707 for guidance and information. A student must submit a Student Protest Application to the Dean of Students for review and approval at least 48 hours before a protest or demonstration is expected to occur.

The Law School is committed to academic freedom and civil discourse. A student protest or other public demonstration is permitted so long as it is peaceful, non-obstructive and respectful of the Law School’s mission. The Law School reserves the right to designate time, manner and appropriated area/s for the assembly.

During protests, participants must respect the rights of others including those with whom they disagree. Any student/s engaging in disruptive or disorderly conduct, failing to comply with the direction/s of a Law School official or otherwise violating this Policy or the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal charges. Participation is restricted to members of the Law School community.

Disruptive conduct on Law School property is prohibited. Disruptive conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. INTERFERING with Law School operations, activities and/or events.
  2. PREVENTING access to or egress from offices, buildings or other Law School property. Protests held during the course of scheduled Law School events shall NOT impede physical access to such events.
  3. FAILING to comply with the directions of Law School official/s, including directions to leave a particular Law School facility or space.
  4. CREATING the threat of physical harm to person/s or damage to Law School property.
  5. EXCEEDING building and/or reasonable outdoors site capacities as determined by the Law School and/or the City of Newark.
  6. GENERATING noise levels that disrupt normal Law School operations.

Related Policies: Student Honor Code
Drafted: 5/29/18