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File a Complaint via SHUL311

What can we be doing better?

Any student wishing to report a concern about the Law School may do so through the SHUL311 System. The Associate Dean for Academics will review all SHUL311 complaints and will work with appropriate faculty, administrators, and staff to address the issues raised therein. Please provide as much detail as possible so that the administration may conduct a thorough investigation.

If you believe your concern relates to the Law School’s program of legal education and/or the policies and procedures Seton Hall Law has adopted to comply with the American Bar Association Standards for Legal Education, please check the “ABA Standard 510 Complaint” box below and indicate which Standard you believe is relevant to your complaint.  The Associate Dean for Academics shall review all submissions to determine if they implicate an ABA Standard even if a specific Standard is not cited in the complaint.

If your complaint involves

  1. Arbitrary, capricious or substantially unfair application of any rule or regulation of the law school; or
  2. Conduct in violation of the University’s "Policy Against Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment and Retaliation" or the University’s "Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation;" or
  3. An allegation of arbitrary, capricious or bad-faith grading procedures,

you should use the process set forth in the Faculty Grading and Grievance Complaints system (“Grievance Process”).

The administration shall keep a record of all complaints implicating an ABA Standard and resolutions of those complaints for a period of ten (10) years, or until the next ABA Accreditation is completed, whichever is longer.

The timing of resolution for complaints will depend on the nature of the concern. There is no appeal process for SHUL311 reports. The appeal process for the Grievance Process is described here.

If you would prefer to discuss your concern in person, please see a list of our offices here.

Please do not use the SHUL311 System for immediate police, medical or psychological assistance. In case of an emergency, contact 911 and/or the Seton Hall Law Security Desk at (973) 642-8725.


Note: Responses and/or resolutions to reports received anonymously will be posted here.

On January 21 & 22, 2025, the Law School received three reports from students that certain areas of the building were too cold. Facilities is aware of, and working on, the issue, which is being caused by the single-digit external temperatures. Believe us, we're cold too and every effort it being made to ensure that internal temperatures stay around 70 degrees.

On October 1 & 2, 2024, the Law School received reports that certain areas of the building are "insanely hot" and "damn hot." Facilities checked the temperature sensors which are recording temperatures between 69-72 degrees Fahrenheit. If one of the sensors has gone rogue and turned an area into "the devil's pit," please let us know which specific rooms are uncomfortable so we can turn the temperature down.

On Friday, August 30, 2024, the Law School received a report from a student raising safety concerns about areas near the law school campus. Student safety is our top priority and a responsibility the administration takes very seriously. To that end, the Law School has multiple layers of security in place to ensure your safety including hourly patrols of the building and surrounding area by law school security officers; patrols of the surrounding area by special armed officers employed by the Downtown District; a partnership with the Newark Police Department to increase the presence of uniformed officers around campus; and regular meetings of the Downtown Safety Directors Coalition to ensure that all our community members can work and study in Newark safely.
We encourage all students to be alert and aware of their surroundings as we are located in an urban area. Any incidents of harassment, violence, or threats should be reported to local law enforcement and law school security immediately.

On April 29 & 30, 2024, the law school received reports of students not adhering to the noise restrictions in the library. Library staff were made aware of the complaints. All students are reminded to keep noise to a minimum in quiet/study sections of the library so that everyone in our community can study effectively. Students are also reminded that there are areas where conversations are permitted. Students wishing for a quiet study area are encouraged to take advantage of the 3rd floor.

On February 22, 2024, the law school received a report that the Bookstore was, on occasion, not open during posted hours. We have been in contact with our vendor's Regional Manager, and have been reassured that moving forward, the Bookstore will be open during its posted hours and that any deviation will be communicated in advance.

On February 5, 2024, the law school received a report that the temperature on the 4th floor of the library was unreasonably hot. Facilities determined that there is a software issue with an air handler that services the library. They are working with the controls vendor and expect the issue to be resolved by the end of the day.

On November 21, 2023, the law school received a request that students be permitted to make full day study room reservations. Full-day study rooms were permitted during COVID because of the policy that rooms needed to be cleaned between users. Because that protocol is no longer in place, and given the extremely high demand for rooms, the prior room reservation system has been reinstated. During low usage times, students are welcome to ask for their reservation to be extended if no one else has booked the room. Please also note that study rooms are generally intended for group study. Students studying alone who need quiet can utilize the abundant study carrels on the 3rd floor.

On November 8, 2023, the law school received a report from a "distracted hungry student just trying to get by" requesting that the cafeteria remain open later in order to accommodate students enrolled in evening classes. We are currently in the process of transitioning to a new food service vendor and are working to implement hours that will better meet student needs. Hang in there "distracted hungry student," we hear you.

On November 9, 2023, the law school received a report of students not adhering to the noise restrictions in the library. Library staff were made aware of the complaint. All students are reminded to keep noise to a minimum in quiet/study sections of the library so that everyone in our community can study effectively, particularly as we move into the end of the semester and reading period/exams. To report a problem during the hours when the library service desk is staffed, students may chat with a librarian via the chat icon on the library's website which is located in the lower right corner of the screen.

On October 5, 2023, a student reported that the entire building felt too hot. Facilities surveyed the building, reporting that the average temperature is approximately 70 degrees and all HVAC systems are operating properly.

On September 26, 2023 the law school received a report of students not adhering to the noise restrictions in the library. Library staff were made aware of the complaint. All students are reminded to keep noise to a minimum in quiet/study sections of the library so that everyone in our community can study effectively. To report a problem during the hours when the library service desk is staffed, students may chat with a librarian via the chat icon on the library's website which is located in the lower right corner of the screen.

On September 18, 2023 the Law School received an inquiry about COVID-19 guidelines. We remain vigilant about the impact of COVID-19 and continue to prioritize our students' health. Information about current law school policies regarding COVID-19 can be found here. Any changes to those policies will be clearly communicated to our student body.

On September 18, 2023 the law school received two reports that the temperature in certain areas of the building were too hot. HVAC technicians had been working on regulating the temperature in the building in the week prior to these reports and work was completed on the heating system on September 19, 2023.

On September 15, 2023 the law school received a request to make remote and weekend counselling services available to students. Seton Hall has partnered with UWill to provide students with free immediate access to teletherapy and wellness programming. Students with an urgent need to speak with a counselor may also choose to contact the SHU 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Hotline at 973-275-Help (4357). This service is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

On September 6, 2023 the law school received a report that the hours of the cafeteria as posted on the Seton Hall Law website were incorrect. Those hours have been updated.

On September 5, 2023 the law school received an inquiry about the status of the elevator repairs in the building. We have been working diligently to have the inoperable elevator in the lobby replaced and the remaining elevators repaired to ensure that they are reliable. Due to circumstances out of our control, including supply chain and approval delays, this work was not completed over the summer as initially planned. Instead, we currently anticipate that this work will begin in December and will be scheduled to cause as little disruption to our community as possible. We appreciate your patience.

On September 5, 2023 the law school received a report that water dispensers in the building were not providing hot water. A non-functional dispenser on the first floor was replaced. All other dispensers are working. Students are advised that water dispensers have one quart to one-half gallon capacity for hot water and if someone else has depleted the reservoir, the unit will need time to reheat additional water.

On September 5, 2023 a student reported that the clock in Room 372 was not working. The clock has been reset and is operating properly.

On January 23, 2023 the law school received a complaint about the lack of elevator service in the building. The University will be doing repair and replacement work of the law school elevators beginning summer 23. Because the work is disruptive it is not feasible to begin work until then when fewer people are in the building and there are no classes during the day.

On September 14, 2022 we received a complaint about the mask mandate in some classes. These mandates exist due to a disability accommodation in those classes. The administration apologizes for any frustration that students feel because they are required to wear masks in some classes. The situation has been reviewed and discussed by a committee that includes law school professors, administration and the disability support professionals. These classes will continue to have a mask mandate.

On September 2, 2022 we received a report that Room 373 smells like mildew. On 09/07/22 the air filters were changed and the temperature was adjusted.

On August 30, 2022 a complaint was received stating that students in Criminal Procedure were not following the mask mandate in place for that class. A reminder to the class was given. The student that was mentioned in the complaint by name was contacted by the Associate Dean.

A complaint was received on August 23, 2022 regarding mask mandates in certain classes. In the class mentioned in the complaint and a few other courses, the mandate is in place due to a necessary accommodation, approved by the Office of Disability Support Services. We ask for your support in carrying out these accommodations. Additionally, we would like to remind students that faculty may require masks in their classes, and they should comply with these faculty requirements as well.

On August 23, 2022 a report was made that it was "too hot in the building. Specifically classrooms 373 & 270 & study rooms on the 3rd floor in the library". We have addressed the HVAC issues, especially in Rooms 373 & 270, with the facility manager.

On June 3, 2022 a report was made that a Criminal Law professor had drafted an improper or unfair exam. The matter was investigated. The professor posted sample answers to old exam questions on BlackBoard. The answers were available to everyone in the class. The professor was transparent and open about this and encouraged students to use those questions to study. One of these questions was used on the final exam. No student or group of students ever discussed this question with the professor nor did the professor answer any questions about this sample question/answer. There is no prohibition against re-using exam questions. There is no prohibition against re-using an exam question to which sample answers were available.

On April 25, 2022 we received three complaints of students using a model answer for Professor Franzese’s Property course for exam prep. We investigated the matter and did not see that this was possible. We discussed the complaints with Professor Franzese. Professor Franzese does not ever distribute model answers. Additionally It would be impossible for a student to print out an answer from a prior exam done in Exam Soft or Examplify. Professor Carmella does provide students with sample “good” answers and it is possible students had been given these answers and were using them to study. This would not be a violation of any kind. Barring additional information or students appearing in person to discuss this matter, nothing further can be done.

An anonymous report of possible plagiarism on the Lawyering assignment due March 5, 2022 was made on March 2, 2022. The allegation was investigated and there was no evidence of wrongdoing.