Registration Services




The School of Law registers its students using the web registration system to avoid long waiting lines and enable students to select their courses from various locations at their convenience. In order to ensure maximum course selection during each student's career, students register by class, with fourth year students having first priority in the Evening Division, and third year students having priority in the Day Division. Each semester, a student will receive a registration handbook for the following semester. For Spring registration, materials will be distributed in November; for Fall registration, materials will be available in April. Students must then follow the registration dates listed for their year and division.

Summer Session registration is conducted similarly to Fall registration and Spring registration except that students interested in enrolling in summer courses at the law school must obtain a Summer Session handbook from the Registrar's Office. Such handbooks are available late March or early April. Priority in course selection will be given to that academic year's graduating class.

Course Registration Information and Procedures

  1. Students with outstanding tuition balances from a prior semester will be ineligible to register.

  2. A late registration fee of $50.00 will be charged to any student who does not register using web registration during their assigned time.

  1. All students registering for full-year courses are required to remain with the same professor during the second semester.

  1. All students must register for required courses in the semester in which they are scheduled to be taken within the students' division, unless they receive written permission from the Dean of Students to defer a requirement. A student who does not receive written permission from the Dean of Students and does not register for a required course in the semester scheduled for his year and division will lose priority to register for the course the next time it is offered. Such students must wait until the class that is scheduled to take the required course registers for the course to determine course and section availability.

  2. Students will receive priority for courses within their division. Evening students must register for evening courses. However, a limited number of seats are available to evening students in many day courses.

  3. Day students must register for the majority of their courses within their division.

  4. In second year required courses, students cannot register across sections. Thus a student choosing section "A" in Business Associations must choose section "A" in Federal Income Taxation.

  5. Courses beginning with the section letters "A" through "L" are day courses, and courses with the section letters "M" through "Z" are evening courses. Courses beginning with the section letter "E" are available to both day and evening students.

  6. A student must take into account the examination schedule which is published with the registration materials. Students who register for courses with conflicting examination times will be required to take both examinations the same day.