"The MLS will boost your confidence in understanding the law, which will impact your ability to communicate and influence others."
Kathleen Boozang
Professor of Law
The online Master of Legal Studies degree (MLS) is designed for the nonlawyer who would benefit professionally from highly developed legal knowledge and advanced problem-solving skills. The ideal candidate wants to turn their curiosity about the law into their ability to drive high-level decisions in places as varied as technology companies, hospitals, media and entertainment firms, or government. Seton Hall Law’s online MLS degree enables you to do that.
Whether you are just starting your career or you have established yourself in a field, the legal studies program teaches you how to understand and interpret laws so you can objectively evaluate business situations and make better decisions. Most importantly, you can apply your knowledge to changing environments, so you can consider potential challenges and opportunities ahead.
Kathleen Boozang
Professor of Law
Seton Hall Law School’s MLS allows you to customize your learning experience to align with your career goals and interests. The curriculum covers contracts, legal procedure, workplace law, legal writing, negligence, liability and business law fundamentals. Students may choose to remain focused on general legal studies or select a concentration from one or two of the following areas: Corporate Compliance, Health and Hospital Law, Gaming Regulation and Compliance, Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Law & Compliance, Privacy Law and Cyber Security, or Sports Law and Compliance. In any path you choose, you will develop skills in legal analysis, communication, and critical thinking.
In a recent survey of alumni, 95% of respondents believed that their legal-related master’s degree was helpful to them in their career path.
Graduate school should make life better, not harder. Seton Hall Law has carefully structured the MLS to provide maximum flexibility and customization. You can pursue your masters degree in law on a part-time schedule, taking only one class at a time, and complete the program in two years. And chances are you won’t have to wait until you graduate to see results.
Rick King
Chief Compliance Officer of a major medical center, MSJ '20
Justin Hendrickson
MSJ '16
MLS applicants do not have to take the GRE or LSAT. Students enrolled in the MLS law degree program do not have a residency requirement. Start your Journey with the Seton Hall Law MLS today and begin your free application.
Graduates of our MLS program have found employment as consultants, compliance officers, risk managers, contract analysts, healthcare administrators, nurse managers, patent/trademark assistants, pharmaceutical financial analysts, quality assurance managers, supervisors, clinical operations directors and lobbyists.
Where will the MLS take you?
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For additional information, please contact
[email protected] | 973-642-8747 or 973-761-9000 ext. 8747