The Summer Institute for Pre-Legal Studies (Pre-Legal)

Are you interested in becoming a lawyer or learning about the legal profession?

Are you ready for a challenge this summer? Then, perhaps the Pre-Legal Program is just the experience that you’ve been looking for.

The Pre-Legal Program is a five-week, residential, skill-building program which requires a total commitment of time and energy. Courses are offered in legal writing, legal analysis, written communications, oral advocacy and two substantive areas of the law such as contracts, criminal law, property, constitutional law and health law. Classes are scheduled from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays with some evening and weekend classes.

Additional class sessions in time and stress management as well as study skills programs, LSAT prep and career orientation workshops are scheduled in the evenings and on weekends. All substantive law classes are taught by law school faculty, judges or practicing attorneys. Class attendance is mandatory. Like law school, Pre-Legal is a full-time commitment. 

Directed by civil rights pioneer Professor Brenda Saunders Hampden and funded through the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) of New Jersey, the Pre-Legal Program is designed for college students who are receiving EOF grants or are EOF eligible. Pre-Legal replicates the academic challenges of the first year of law school while teaching valuable skills to students that they can utilize when returning to college to complete their undergraduate studies. Pre-Legal will celebrate its 44th program year at Seton Hall Law and boasts scores of graduates over the years who are enjoying successful careers both in and outside of the legal profession.

 The Pre-Legal Program is currently undergoing a rolling admissions process and applications are currently being accepted for participation in the 2024 summer program.  An early application will yield an early admissions decision.  The application deadline is Thursday, February 29, 2024.  The application process also requires submission of two letters of recommendation, a transcript, participation in a person interview, and attendance at two Mandatory Orientation sessions in the spring.  The tentative program dates for 2024 are:

May 26 - June 29.

Please note that students graduating in May 2024 are NOT eligible to participate in the Pre-Legal Program.

 apply to the Pre-Legal program, click here.