The election to take a class Pass/D or Fail must be submitted by the deadline announced in the registration handbook, which is generally prior to the start of classes. All requests received after the deadline will be rejected without any notice.
Once during a student’s last four semesters, he or she may opt to take an elective course (excluding clinics) on a Pass/ D or Fail option. It is entirely up to the professor teaching the course whether he or she chooses to make this option available, and if so, may only be up to a maximum of 20% of the class. The Registrar’s Office will determine if more students request the Pass/ D or Fail option than there are seats, which students are permitted to take any course Pass/ D or Fail. No student may take an AWR course using this option if they need AWR certification for the graduation requirement. Courses that are offered with the option of Pass/D or Fail are noted in the schedule of classes enclosed in the registration handbook. A course that is only offered on a Pass/D or Fail basis shall not count as the "one elective" that may be taken on a Pass/D or Fail basis.