Leroy Tice '05

Alumni Engagement: Leroy Tice '05 Connects to his Alma Mater in Meaningful Ways

Alums engage with Seton Hall Law to connect their talents, expertise, interests or resources with mechanisms to support the Law School in a variety of ways. Leroy Tice ’05 has found ways to connect to his alma mater in meaningful ways. He is plugged into the Diverse Attorneys of Seton Hall (DASH) Advisory Committee. The DASH Advisory Committee is comprised of more than 25 alumni from various practice areas, geographic locations, and diverse backgrounds with the goal to collaborate with Seton Hall Law on innovative ways to enhance diversity, inclusion and equity initiatives.

Why did you want to get involved with DASH?
As an attorney of color, I am duty bound and devoted to the optimistic notion that the legal profession will sufficiently reflect the beautiful mosaic of people that it serves. The DASH initiative serves to confirm that my alma mater is pursuing professional equity in a meaningful way. I joined the DASH effort because it is sincere, organic and intentional. In sum, DASH will make a difference!

What are some of the ways you can assist DASH in its mission?
Put straightforwardly, PIPELINE PIPELINE PIPELINE! As a matter of background, I am a graduate of Delaware State University, an HBCU and 1890 land-grant institution. My endeavor is to establish a direct pipeline from the HBCUs to Seton Hall Law with the mutual aim of admitting and graduating the future lawyers of color.

Tice is the owner of a general litigation boutique firm in Wilmington, DE that focuses on personal injury, workers’ compensation and education due process. He is a successful litigator with extensive trial experience. He formerly served as outside litigation counsel for Ashland Chemical. Additionally, he previously served as defense counsel for such prominent companies as Walmart, State Farm, PMA and USAA. Simultaneous to his private practice, he served as Deputy Commissioner of Public Works for the City of Wilmington and legal counsel to the Democratic Caucus of the Delaware House of Representatives.

What is the most rewarding part of your current work?
The legal profession affords each of us daily opportunities to contribute in ways which ensure that our communities are just, fair and inclusive. Justice meaning equity in outcomes; fairness meaning equity with respect to process; and inclusion meaning everyone has value. Being of service to those who pursue justice, fairness and inclusion exceeds rewarding – it is a blessing.

A number of governing boards and organizations seek his counsel and experience, including the Delaware State University Board of Trustees, his undergraduate alma mater, where he received his B.A. in political science. In addition, he is a Member of the Eastside Charter School Advisory Committee and is formerly a member of the Board of Directors of Innovative Schools and the Wilmington Hope Commission.

Clearly, education holds a special place for Tice and so does Seton Hall Law. Tice jumped at the opportunity to address the incoming 1L class during Orientation in August. Law school is stressful already and COVID-19 adds a whole additional layer of stress that could not have been imagined. A need arose for sound guidance and reassuring voices from the alumni community to support this next generation of Seton Hall Lawyers during this tumultuous period. In an inspiring video message emphasizing his support, Tice noted, “I just want to encourage each of you during these very challenging times to stay focused on perfecting your craft. Stay compassionate about those people who you will serve in your respective communities upon graduation.” Furthermore, he concluded, “I think I can speak for all Seton Hall Law graduates when I say that we stand ready to assist you in achieving all that you desire to achieve.” The video was also featured as part of a new initiative for 1L students called Hazard Zet Forward Homes. Hazard Zet Forward means “whatever the peril, ever forward” and connects with the Seton Hall University motto during the COVID-19 crisis. The homes are comprised of 15 1L students, and home leaders who are either faculty members or administrators. The objective is to help students grow personally and professionally through informal, voluntary engagement with one another in a virtual environment to increase belonginess at various touchpoints during the semester. Tice’s message of perseverance reinforced a message of resiliency to the students as they navigate the start to their law school journeys.

Why is it important to you to give back to Seton Hall Law in the ways you have done?
You are either a part of the problem, a part of the solution, or a part of the landscape. Robert DeNiro, Ronin. I have had the pleasure of serving differing institutions in differing capacities. I conclude that there is a central commonality: collective efforts, ideas and resources are a requisite for institutional sustainability. We have transformational leadership at Seton Hall Law which cannot thrive in isolation – the entire community must rally. I give back because sustainability requires such!