On March 13, 2024, Seton Hall Law School’s Asian-Pacific American Law Students Association
(APALSA) hosted its third annual networking event – Better Together. Better Together
is a diversity reception and networking event where students can meet legal professionals
from diverse backgrounds, make lasting connections, and develop their professional
network. This event also gives Seton Hall Law students the opportunity to secure future
internships and jobs. Better Together grows in attendance every year, with over 70
attendees this year including students, practicing attorneys, and judges. “We brought
law students and legal professionals together, celebrated diversity, and this made
my position as APALSA’s outreach chair incredibly meaningful,” said Tianyi (Alice)
Zhu, Outreach Chair of APALSA. Tumai Ly, Treasurer of APALSA, added, “Many legal professionals
from all walks of life joined us, and it was a great opportunity for our students
to network. The causal and open nature of this event let our students push their boundaries
and forge new connections.”
Professional organizations APALA-NJ and KALAGNY contributed funding to the event which
helped make it a success. The event was co-sponsored by Seton Hall Law’s Black Law
Students Association, Immigration Law Society, Jewish Law Students Association, Latin
American Law Students Association, Muslim Law Students Association, South Asian Law
Student Association, Women’s Law Forum, and LAMBDA Law Alliance. APALSA President
Jason Guan thanked everyone in attendance for making the time to connect with Seton
Hall Law students and help build their networks. President of APALA-NJ echoed the
sentiment and touched on the importance of the gathering. “Better Together is not
just fun and enjoyable, but also important for maintaining solidarity and synergy,
keeping the dialogue going, and establishing meaningful connections among legal professionals,
future lawyers, and future jurists,” said Francis W. Yook, President of APALA-NJ,
Associate at Walsh Pizzi O’Reilly Falanga LLP.
For more information, please contact:
Seton Hall Law School