Assistant Dean of Career Services June K. Forrest has transformed Seton Hall Law’s presence in New Jersey since her arrival in 2016, working with students and graduates to discover their pathway to launching their careers, whether in the law or another professional universe. Under Dean Forrest’s leadership the Office of Career Services (OCS) has become a place that welcomes all students. In partnership with our ever-loyal alumni, the OCS team has captured employers across the New Jersey and New York marketplaces and expanded Seton Hall Law’s reach to the many states from which admissions has increased its recruitment. And, of course, OCS has doubled down on Seton Hall Law’s reputation for clerkships and public sector careers. Most remarkable has been Dean Forrest’s success in job placement during COVID, proving once again the power of the Seton Hall Law degree in the market.
It is with significant gratitude that Seton Hall Law bids farewell to Dean Forrest, as she moves on to a next chapter in her career, returning to a position with the State of New Jersey. June leaves OCS with a reputation for service to every sector of the student body, as well as ongoing support to young alumni post-clerkship and beyond.
Prior to coming to Seton Hall Law, Dean Forrest spent the majority of her career in the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office and was also Senior Counsel to Governor Christie, which enabled her to leverage relationships across the state for the benefit of our students and alumni. Dean Forrest was instrumental in building out the OCS team and expanding the Law School’s footprint for networking.
During her tenure, OCS embraced Dean Boozang’s mantra of “One Student at a Time”, facilitating an increase in the team’s interaction for all students beginning in their 1L year and growing a network of opportunities for their first summer experiences. Dean Forrest organized OCS to continue the student-to-counselor relationship throughout the student's tenure at the Law School. Dean Forrest significantly increased student employment outcomes each year of her tenure, which is key to applicants’ selection of Seton Hall Law. Finally, together with Dean Boozang, Dean Forrest worked assiduously to inculcate in our alumni the commitment that Seton Hall Law Hires Seton Hall Law. The Law School consistently maintains astonishing results of nearly 90% annual employment at graduation thanks to Dean Forrest’s leadership and innovations.
As June departs Seton Hall Law next month, we recognize and celebrate the impact of her work. Dean Boozang observes that “few people have had the impact on Seton Hall Law that June Forrest has had. She has been as invested in our students as anyone I have ever met; she has been unremitting in guiding them to success. For her, it’s personal, and that is what made her such a superb part of our community. Her presence has been a blessing.” On behalf of the many, many students' careers Dean Forrest has launched, the entire Law School community is grateful to June for her stellar work and passion as evidenced by student and graduate success. We are hopeful that we will be welcoming June’s replacement in the next weeks.
To share an employment opportunity with the Office of Career Services, click here or email [email protected].
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