Seton Hall Law celebrates Judge Michael Chagares’ elevation to become Chief of the Third Circuit, effective December 4. This is an extraordinary accomplishment that shows the power of a Seton Hall Law degree. Judge Chagares ’87 has given back to Seton Hall Law for virtually his entire career – he became an adjunct in 1991. Even today, he can be seen many mornings in the DeCotiis Moot Court Room teaching Advanced Civil Trial Practice. His students revere him, and appreciate the extraordinary opportunity they have to be taught by a paragon of our profession. Judge Chagares has been ably served by many Seton Hall Law clerks and has participated on multiple Gressman Moot Court panels. He is a man who consistently conveys the Seton Hall Law values - Integrity, Loyalty, and Engagement.
Read Press Release from The Third Circuit.
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