Biotechnology and the Law (HLTH9529) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Casinos and Hospitality Law |
Children's Health and the Law (HLTH7524) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Clinical Research and the Law: Compliance Issues for Research Sponsors (HLTH7685) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Clinical Research and the Law: Ethical and Regulatory Issues in Designing Clinical
Trials (HLTH7680) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Collegiate Athletics Law and Policy |
Compliance Issues for Healthcare Providers (HLTH7670) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Compliance Issues in the Life Sciences - Advertising, Promotion and Transparency (HLTH7590) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Compliance Issues in the Life Sciences Fraud and Corruption (HLTH7580) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Constitutional Law Survey (HLTH7402) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Consumer Data Privacy Law (INDL7306) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Cybersecurity and Privacy I: Law, Policy, Compliance (INDL7550) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Cybersecurity and Privacy II: Compliance and Risk Management (INDL7555) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Entertainment Law: Legal Regulation of Industry Practices (INDL7316) |
xx |
Entertainment Law: Torts (INDL7313) |
xx |
xx |
EU Data Protection and Privacy Law (CORP7180) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
FDA Regulation and Liability (HLTH7560) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Financial Crimes Compliance (CORP8160) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Financial Privacy (CORP7185) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Fundamentals of Business Law (HLTH7400) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Gaming Law I (INDL7400) |
xx |
xx |
Gaming Law II (INDL7401) |
xx |
Global Corruption: Regulation, Compliance, and Enforcement (CORP7160) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Governance, Compliance, Enforcement and Risk Management (CORP7144) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
HIPAA Privacy & Security (HLTH7504) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Introduction to Bioethics (HLTH7519) |
xx |
xx |
Introduction to Corporate Law (CORP7140) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Introduction to Law & Legal Writing (HLTH7390) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
The Law of Patient Care (HLTH7660) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Professional Sports Law & Policy (INDL7333) |
xx |
Race & the Foundations of American Law (PUBR7905) |
xx |
Sports Betting & Fantasy Sports (INDL7336) |
xx |
Stark Law and Compliance (HLTH7690) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Title IX & Gender Equity in Sports (INDL7332) |
xx |
Torts: Liability for Civil Wrongs (HLTH7409) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Workplace Privacy Law (LABR7600) |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
*Course schedule subject to change |