Recognizing Our Donors

Your contribution to Seton Hall Law - time, money, knowledge, and assistance - shares with the world that you are confident in the school’s ongoing success. Giving to Seton Hall Law also changes lives in ways that are substantial and far reaching: a student who obtains a scholarship, a faculty member who receives the resources to resolve a critical legal issue, an individual served through one of our clinics. These are just a few of the ways your support makes a difference. All gifts are deeply appreciated and recognized. Naming opportunities also are available for those who wish to establish a lasting legacy. Whether small or large, each gift plays a role in writing the next chapter of Seton Hall Law.

Gifts to Seton Hall Law are recognized in the following ways:

Honor Roll of Giving – our annual report recognizing all contributors

The Seton Hall Law Rising Campaign Wall of Giving – a permanent display in the Law School atrium recognizing Campaign contributors of gifts $1,000 and more.

Scholarship Reception – an annual reception recognizing contributors who have established scholarships for Seton Hall Law students.

Donor Recognition Ceremonies – special events recognizing major contributors who have created a legacy gift at Seton Hall Law.

Benjamin & Ruth Schiff Courtyard Dedication - click here to see pictures from this event.
Cafe Deni Dedication - click here to see pictures from this event.
Gibbons Moot Courtroom Dedication - click here to see pictures from this event.

Office of Alumni and Development
[email protected] | 973-642-8711