
A Disclosure Statement for The Center for Health & Pharmaceutical Law

The Center for Health & Pharmaceutical Law (the "Center") at Seton Hall Law School is committed to independent, academic inquiry focusing on health and pharmaceutical law. As a part of Seton Hall University, the Newark-based Law School is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. The University and Law School engage in fundraising from alumni and other contributors. Remaining committed to examining divergent perspectives on policy issues related to health and pharmaceutical law and policy is critical to the mission of the Center.

Law School faculty and Center staff are devoted to academic independence in their research and transparency in their relationships. As such, funding sources are announced on all published materials and on the Law School website. Regardless of whether financial support is received in the form of an endowment, as unrestricted funds or for a specific project, Law School and Center donors are not involved in the academic work of Law School professors or Center staff. Grants and donations are only accepted if they do not limit the faculty's or the Center's ability to carry out research, free of outside influence and consistent with the Center's mission and values.

The Law School funds the salaries of the tenured faculty affiliated with the Center. Research and administrative support for the Center are jointly funded through a combination of Law School funds and through unrestricted funds provided by pharmaceutical companies and restricted funds provided by a variety of corporations. Companies or entities of regulated industries are not permitted to designate or allocate any portion of their financial contribution to the Center toward scholarships awarded to government employees. Full and partial scholarships for government employees, individuals experiencing hardship, alumni, and law students are offered solely by the Center and no external parties will be notified regarding the number of scholarships provided, or the identities or affiliations of scholarship recipients. This information will remain confidential.

The Center and its faculty assume sole responsibility for the content of its publications and position statements. The Center does not issue publications or statements on behalf of any donor or other entity.

The organizations that have provided funding to the Center or to the Law School are listed below.

  1. Bristol-Myers Squibb provided a $5 million endowment in 2005 in support of The Harvey Washington Wiley Chaired Professorship in Corporate Governance & Business Ethics. This position is filled by Professor Stephen Lubben.
  2. In 2006, Sanofi-Aventis provided $500,000 to the Law School in "support and development of the Center for Health & Pharmaceutical Law and the programs and activities associated with the Center."
  3. The former Schering-Plough Corporation provided the Law School with a $2.5 million endowment to establish the Schering-Plough Professor in Health Care Regulation and Enforcement.  The endowment was announced in 2006 and completed in 2010.
  4. In 2008, Purdue Pharma provided $25,000 in unrestricted funding for the Center.
  5. In 2008, Roche provided $50,000 for a symposium sponsored by the Gibbons Institute of Law, Science & Technology, the Seton Hall Law Review, and the Center on "Preparing for a Pharmaceutical Response to Pandemic Influenza."
  6. In 2011, the following provided funds in support of "Is a For-Profit Structure a Viable Alternative for Catholic Health Care Ministry?":
    1. Alvarez & Marsal - $5,000
    2. Ardent Health Services - $25,000
    3. Bass, Berry & Sims, PLC - $5,000
    4. Cardinal Health - $1,000
    5. Catholic Health Partners - $10,000
    6. Catholic Healthcare West - $5,000
    7. Ernst & Young, LLP - $2,500
    8. Saint Peter's Healthcare System - $8,000
    9. SSM Health Care - &7,500
    10. University of St. Thomas - $15,000
  7. In 2013, Johnson & Johnson provided $50,000 in unrestricted support to the Center in support of its educational mission. The company additionally provided $100,000 in unrestricted support to the Center in each of 2011 and 2012. In 2010, Johnson & Johnson provided $50,000 in unrestricted funds to the Center. In 2009, the company provided $100,000 as seed funding for two projects: (i) a program on "Strategies for Compliance Professionals: Honing Decision-Making Skills," and (ii) creation and implementation of an international compliance program. In 2008, Ortho-McNeil Janssen Scientific Affairs, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, provided $49,900 in unrestricted funds. Johnson & Johnson provided $50,000 in 2007 and $100,000 in 2006 in unrestricted funds to support the Center. Two of Johnson & Johnson's subsidiaries, Centocor, Inc., and Ortho Biotech, provided $125,000 in unrestricted funding to the Center in 2007.
  8. In 2013, the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute provided $21,250 to Professor John Jacobi for research related to the Affiliated Accountable Care Organizations.
  9. In 2013, Microsoft provided $30,000 to support HIPAA related work.
  10. In 2014, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation provided $200,000 to support Professor John Jacobi's "QHP Market Behavior: Sentinel Report" designed to examine provision of benefits under the Affordable Care Act.
  11. In 2016, Janssen, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, provided $108,000 to support the project, “Ethical Issues in Marketing Pharmaceuticals in Emerging Healthcare Systems.”

For information on additional corporate, foundation, and government grants received by Seton Hall Law School, please see our Recent Grants & Contributions.