Journals Write-on Competition

Journals Write-on Competition

The 2022 Journals Write-on Competition for Transfer students begins July 29, 2022 and ends August 12, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. Questions may be sent to [email protected].

Submitting Files |  Anonymous NumbersHave Questions?Packet

Competition entries must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.docx) format and all metadata must be removed from the document. Submissions received in a format other than Microsoft Word (.docx) format will not be graded.

Transfer Students - Need an anonymous number?

Please sign-up for an anonymous number here (access code required 128392).

Competition Packet and Submission Instructions

This competition is based on anonymity. To avoid disqualification, please do not contact Journal members directly. Any questions or concerns should be sent to [email protected] who will be the liaison between student(s) and Journal members.

How to download competition packet?

To access the competition packet, please download packet by clicking blue button below.

Competition Packet »

(Available 7/29/22)

How to prepare for the Competition?

The following resources and examples are provided to help you prepare for the 2021 competition.

Have Questions?

Any questions related to the competition problem should be submitted to the discussion board (see instructions below). If you experience issues with accessing the discussion board or if you have questions related to your submission, contact [email protected]. If you have an emergency situation during the competition or if you have a question that is not related to the problem or submission, please contact Professor Heather Payne at [email protected].

Discussion Board Information

To access the Journal Competition Discussion Board via LawNet, follow instructions listed below under "Discussion Board Access".

Do not speak to any journal members directly during the course of the competition. To submit a question, you must use the Blackboard discussion thread. The journal Editors-in-Chief will respond to your questions as soon as possible. Check the site frequently whether you have questions or not, as it will contain important information. The steps for submitting a question are as follows:

Discussion Board Access

If you experience issues with accessing the discussion board, please contact [email protected] for access.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This competition is based on anonymity. To avoid disqualification once competition has started, please do not contact the Journal members directly. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ana Santos, [email protected] who will be the liaison between the student(s) and the Journal members.

How to submit your file?

Submit to All Journals or to the Journal(s) of your choice