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The Distinguished Visiting Scholar for 2024

Professor Matiangai V.S. SirleafThis year the Center for Health & Pharmaceutical Law at Seton Hall University School of Law welcomed Professor Matiangai V.S. Sirleaf, the Nathan Patz Professor of Law at the University of Maryland School of Law, as the Center’s Distinguished Visiting Scholar for 2024. Professor Sirleaf holds a secondary appointment as a professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Professor Sirleaf writes and teaches in the areas of global public health law, public international law, international human rights law, international criminal law, post-conflict and transitional justice, and criminal law. The Center’s Distinguished Visiting Scholar is an annual program that supplements the health law education and programing the law school offers. 


Professor Jacob Elberg, Associate Professor of Law and Faculty Director of The Center for Health & Pharmaceutical Law, opened the public forum by introducing Professor Sirleaf and welcoming all the students, professors, and attorneys in attendance. Professor Sirleaf discussed her recent scholarship titled, White Health as Global Health. She spoke about the role racism and coloniality has played in global health, and two current reforms: revision of the 2005 International Health Regulations and the creation of a new treaty addressing pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. The talk was followed by a cocktail reception, where students and professors were able to delve deeper into the topic and further discuss with Professor Sirleaf. 


During her visit, Professor Sirleaf also gave lectures to Professor Doron Dorfman’s Health Care Access & Payment class and Professor Michael Granne’s International Law class, and attended meetings with students and faculty. 

Categories: Centers of Excellence

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  • Seton Hall Law School