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A virtual symposium featuring experts as they explore how AI companion bots addict users. What business model is driving AI companion platforms to keep kids online for as long as possible? And more...
Moderator: David Opderbeck, Professor of Law, Co-Director Institute for Privacy Protection,
Co-Director Gibbons Institute for Law Science and Technology, Seton Hall University
School of Law
Speaker 1: Laura Marquez-Garrett, Attorney, Social Media Victims Law Center
Speaker 2: Camille Carlton, Director of Policy, Center for Humane Technology
Speaker 3: Nicki Reisberg, Podcast Host & Digital Safety Advocate, Scrolling 2 Death
Moderator: Gaia Bernstein, Technology Privacy and Policy Professor of Law, Co-Director
Institute for Privacy Protection, Co-Director Gibbons Institute for Law Science and
Technology, Seton Hall University School of Law
Speaker 1: Josh Golin, Executive Director, Fairplay
Speaker 2: Meetali Jain, Director, Tech Justice Law Project
Speaker 3: Catherine Sharkey, Segal Family Professor of Regulatory Law and Policy,
New York University School of Law
Speaker 4: Paul Ohm, Professor of Law; Chief Data Officer, Georgetown Law
In the Media