Cybersecurity Project

In 2010-11, Seton Hall Law School and Rutgers School of Law-Newark launched an innovative educational endeavor focused on cybersecurity law education.  The Cybersecurity Law Project successfully launched three new and innovative cybersecurity courses, placed six students and 2011 graduates (postgraduates) in cybersecurity positions in county prosecutors’ offices, hosted a highly successful cybersecurity conference, and created a Cybersecurity Portal Website.  In addition, 20 prosecutors, assistant prosecutors and members of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness audited the inaugural Cybersecurity Law course, with 15 receiving certificates for completion.  An additional three of these continuing education students audited the Cybersecurity and Computer Crimes Practice course.

In 2011-12, Seton Hall Law and its partners are continuing with this innovative cybersecurity initiative via the “Cybersecurity Law Project II.”


Cybercrime and cybersecurity breaches are growing at an alarming rate. A shortage of specially trained lawyers has been featured in numerous media outlets as shown below. The corresponding lack of trained lawyers is largely due to increased technical sophistication among hackers and other criminals. This need for trained professionals may be found in both the public and private sectors.