Seton Hall University Policy on Sexual Harrassment

Seton Hall University Policy on Sexual Harrassment   


As a Catholic institution of higher education, Seton Hall University embraces Judaeo-Christian values that proclaim the dignity and rights of all people. Sexual harassment in any form shall not be tolerated at Seton Hall University. It is a form of sexual discrimination prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. All members of the University community have an obligation to take appropriate action to eliminate sexual harassment.


This policy applies to all University students, faculty, administrators, staff members, and employees as well as vendors and guests on campus. This includes those members of the University community who are involved in the University's extension and off-campus programs, such as cooperative education, extern/ internships, clinicals, practicums, student teaching, etc.  This policy does not replace or supersede an individual's rights and remedies under the law.