Anthony Osei '18

Seton Hall Law Student Award Peggy Browning Fellowship

Philadelphia, PA, June 14, 2017 - The Peggy Browning Fund has awarded a 10-week summer fellowship to Anthony Osei, a third-year student at Seton Hall School of Law. Anthony will spend the fellowship working at Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, P.C. in New York, NY. The application process is highly competitive, and the award is a tribute to his outstanding qualifications.

In 2017, the Peggy Browning Fund will support over 80 public interest labor law fellowships nationwide. Securing a Peggy Browning Fellowship is not an easy task, with nearly 400 applicants this year competing for the honor. Peggy Browning Fellows are distinguished students who have not only excelled in law school but who have also demonstrated their commitment to workers’ rights through their previous educational, work, volunteer and personal experiences. Anthony certainly fits this description.

In August 2014, Anthony graduated cum laude from Florida State University with a degree in Criminology and Political Science. Since entering law school, Anthony began searching for a career path that would allow him to use his legal education to make a difference in the lives of others. That is how he discovered labor law. Since then, Anthony has advocated for pro se litigants in employment discrimination matters through a mediation clinic affiliated with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Last summer, he was a legal intern in the Office of the General Counsel at D.C. 37, where he attended labor management meetings and drafted a post hearing brief for an out of title grievance arbitration. Anthony has spent this academic year as a law clerk for Levy Ratner P.C and looks forward to an exciting summer as a Peggy Browning Fellow.

The Peggy Browning Fund is a not for-profit organization established in memory of Margaret A. Browning, a prominent union-side attorney who was a member of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from 1994 until 1997. Peggy Browning Fellowships provide law students with unique, diverse and challenging work experiences fighting for social and economic justice. These experiences encourage and inspire students to pursue careers in public interest labor law.
To learn more about the Peggy Browning Fund, contact Mary Anne Moffa, Executive Director, by phone at 267-273-2992 or by email at [email protected], or visit