
Entertainment Law: Torts (INDL7313)

  • Image & Likeness
  • Copyright
  • network architecture
  • Contract Implied-in-Fact
  • Trademark
  • Privacy
  • False Light
  • Defamation
  • Name
  • Torts
  • Intrusion Upon Seclusion
  • Right of Publicity

Learn to:


  1. Identify significant or frequently litigated issues in entertainment law in the doctrinal areas of the law of ideas, copyright law, trademark law, defamation law, and privacy law

  2. Illustrate with real-world examples how important rights, such as free speech, reputational integrity, and privacy come into conflict

  3. Describe predominant issues of technological disruption, inequality, inequity, and injustice in the industry overall, as well as the ways in which the law seeks (and often fails) to solve them.


This course examines tort claims that frequently arise out of the creative, newsgathering, or other competitive dimensions of the entertainment industry. Those torts include implied-in-fact contract claims for ideas, copyright and trademark infringement, privacy torts like intrusion upon seclusion and right of publicity claims, and defamation. The course dives into the legal and theoretical foundations for these torts and frequently identifies social or technological factors that have influenced their development.


Division of Online Learning

[email protected] | 973-642-8747 or 973-761-9000 ext. 8747